Thursday 9 August 2012

Summer Stuff

Today was, in general, a good day. I finished the book I was reading and I'm not sure if I like how it ended, but still. It was a good day.

I have a list of books I want to reread this summer, and I have a few books that I want to read which I haven't read before, and I don't know with list to start from. I think I might just end up reading like 2 or 3 books at once, like I've been doing for the past few days. Lately, I've been reading a lot, but I don't know how long this will continue for. But I hope I do continue to read as much as I'm reading now.

Last year at this time, we had our second cousins staying over, and my mum and I were talking about how much fun it was. It was nice to have them around and to spend the whole day with them by the pool. Also, we had just booked out flights to America and we were all half-excited and half-unsure-how-to-feel. Things are really different this year. There will be no spontaneous trips or anything like that.

But that doesn't mean that I won't enjoy the last few weeks before school starts. I plan to have a lot of fun.*


*Fun for me is reading, so I don't mean I plan to go out a lot. Just thought I'd clarify that. 

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