Friday 24 August 2012

Story: Almost There

I thought I'd write a story today. Here it is:

It's really crowded here. We are all tired after a 10 day holiday that wasn't actually a holiday, but more like 10 days of us driving around with a bit of happy and a bit of depressing parts. But this crowd is just too much. We are a big group and as we stand in line, we have to slightly push people so that we can all stand together. The toddler who was forced to come with us is fed up and just wants to get home. He starts screaming 'AKAA' very loudly.

Everyone looks at us. They all seem tired also and don't take kindly to the screaming. We try to make him be quiet but he is hearing nothing of it. We give up after a minute because at this point we don't care if anyone's annoyed - or we do care, but this is what we tell ourselves so we don't have to make an effort.

Finally it's our turn next and we take off our shoes and belts and rush through the metal detectors. This is the last metal detector we'll pass on this journey. Once we've all passed, we smile at each other. We don't need to say anything because we know what we're all thinking: we're almost home.

Of course, we're not almost home; we still have a few long ours ahead of us. But it doesn't matter, because passing that gate, passing the metal detectors, we have crossed the imaginary line that was separating us from home.

So we are almost there. 

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