Wednesday 29 August 2012


When we were in Canada, Nadeen and I were sharing a room and she would always watch Dawson's Creek before she slept. One of the days, she recommended that I watch it, and so today I watched the first two episodes.

Now, I should admit that the main reason I decided to watch it was because of Joshua Jackson, and because I wanted to see him act as someone besides's Peter. But I did not expect him to be so young. The whole time I couldn't help but imagine him as Peter and not Pacey.

It's odd though to see him so young, or any person, for that matter, whom you've seen as an adult as a teenager or kid.* I guess it's because it doesn't work like that: you normally see people as a kid and then as an adult, not the other way around.

Anyway, I might watch episode 3 tomorrow, or not. I think that after I promised to try and write a post everyday, I've decided to not make any more commitments. Saying that, I plan on entering Nanowrimo this November. I can't help myself sometimes.


*This sentence is phrased horribly, but hopefully you get the point. 

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