Monday 13 August 2012

It's Over!

I didn't blog yesterday because I was feeling tired after I watched the Closing Ceremony, so I couldn't even think of blogging.

I thought the ceremony was a lot of fun, and it was quite enjoyable to watch. It was nice seeing all the athletes having fun and enjoying themselves after what must have been two tough weeks for them. And they're all sort of united in the end, which is also nice. That's the best thing about the Olympics: it unites countries.

Now that it's over, I don't know what to watch on TV. This is the first time in two weeks that the TV has been off. We literally had the TV on the whole day, flipping through channels to watch as many sports as we could. And now, we're just sitting here, wondering what to do.

I can't wait for the Winter Olympics in 2014, but until then, I'll just have to stick to watching series instead of sports.

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