Saturday 31 March 2012


April Fools Day is tomorrow. I like to read about pranks, and I like to watch people on TV play pranks, but I don't like pranks in real life. Or, I don't like people to fool me and I don't like it when people play serious pranks on people.

I hate being tricked. It's just something I can't stand. If someone fools me, I can could be mad at them for a long time, no matter who they are. On April Fools Day, I end up being extra weary of everyone which isn't fun at all for me. 

When jokes become too serious and end up hurting someone, in my opinion, the joke is no longer funny. I don't mind if people play pranks on people that are silly pranks, but when things become serious, it's not fun. I just don't see how making someone feel bad is entertaining.

I don't want to sound like a killer of joy, and I do, in general, like pranks, just as long as they're not hurtful and not directed at me. Anyway, have fun tomorrow and play pranks on as many people as you like, as long as they're not cruel! :D

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