Saturday 10 March 2012

5 Things

There was a meme on YouTube a while ago where people would show 50 (I think) random things from their rooms. Obviously I can't show you guys anything, but, instead, I thought I would mention 5 things and talk a bit about each thing.

1) My 'Hermione' Wand: I bought this from London about two years ago and it is placed on one of the shelfs on my desk. No actual spell has been produced from it, but I'm working on that.

2) A Stapler: I've never noticed this. Where the hell did it come from?

3) Empty TicTac containers: I may or may not collect these. And number them. Also, I may have 20.

4) A Box of Coloured Toothpicks: We actually had this in Canada and when we saw it being unpacked along with the rest of our stuff that had been in storage for 3 years, we made the wise decision of not using them to pick food from between our teeth. The reason they're in my room is that I have, however, used them in various school projects.

5) A Little Black Bear Toy: I've had this for as long as I remember and it has always been one of my favourite toys. I just love it so much!

That's all folks!

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