Monday 2 April 2012

Exams again!

We have our quarter exams this week, and then we have a week of holiday. I'm really excited for this holiday because it'll be the first break where I don't have any homework or projects due. But, now I need to study for my exams, and it's a pain because I'm not all that good at studying.

Anyway, I have history and French tomorrow, and I haven't really studied the French that well. Last quarter exam, I thought I did horrible in the French exam, but it turned out I didn't do so badly. I'm hoping I do that well this time, but I'm worried. The problem with French is I don't really know what to study. I feel like, either you understand it or you don't, and either way you're going to make mistakes.

And as for history, I have a problem with memorizing dates and names. So, otherwise, I'm all set! ;)

Tomorrow my friends will be coming over so that I can explain the math to them. I normally don't study math, so it'll be weird studying for it. But I really want to help them out.

Last year, I really hated school, but I have to say that it's better this year. I don't know why, but it is. Anyway, I have to go and take one more look at the French! 

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