Monday 12 March 2012

Naive Optimism

I'm currently reading a book called '18 Days in Tahrir' and it's basically a compilation of many people's accounts of what they went through from the 25th to the 11th. I find the book quite interesting but I do feel as if I don't know how accurate people's accounts are.

I'm not saying that people are lying about their experiences; I just feel that they're experiences are clouded by their adrenalin at the time and sometimes by their arrogance (So far, only one or two have seemed arrogant, though). So, they believe what they're saying is true, but at the time, they didn't know all that was happening and maybe weren't thinking clearly. Of course, this doesn't apply to everyone's account, but just a few of what I've read so far.

Regardless, it is still interesting, and I'm constantly getting goosebumps while reading it. I love how emotional and enthusiastic all the people are, even if at times their enthusiasm seems a bit naive. And, I hope that all that they have worked for, and all the people whose lives were sacrificed, was not for nothing. I'm also enthusiastic (optimistic) about the future of Egypt to the extent of naivety, but I don't care. I think that Egypt can become a great country. Heck, I think it's a great country now.

If reading this has taught me anything it's that there still is hope and people will do anything to improve Egypt. And that makes me happy.

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