Tuesday 27 March 2012


I just watched a video that said that Israel created a new law that basically doesn't allow girls who are extremely skinny to become models. I don't want to talk about this law in general - though I must say that I really admire it - but I'd like to talk about how the media is always portraying that people with perfect bodies are more admirable.

The fact that you need to be skinny to be a model is a known fact. Also, you find that most characters in movies and shows are skinny. That's why I like Youtube because all the people there are real. Another show I like for this reason is Skins. I didn't notice until after I started to rewatch it, but none of the girls are extremely skinny - except Cassie and she's portrayed as sick.

But again, I don't want to go into that. I want to talk about why the majority of people on TV are skinny. Many TV shows are striving to be as realistic as possible because that way people can relate to them, but in real life, people aren't all models. I'm not saying that everyone is fat either, but the average person is, well, average. So, there should be more 'average' people in TV shows and movies.

We are all taught - whether directly or indirectly - that being skinny is better than being fat. But why? Some people argue that it's a health thing: being overweight equals being unhealthy. But I recently read an article that said that being skinny doesn't necessary mean that a person is healthy and vice versa. What makes a person healthy is how much they exercise and how carefully they eat. You can eat horribly and never exercise and still be skinny, but that doesn't mean you're healthy.

Of course, the main reason we are taught that being skinny is better is that it's more attractive. But why is it? I mean, there are many people who aren't necessarily models and yet are pretty. Why has society decided that the skinnier you are, the more attractive you are. Besides the fact that personality should count more than appearances, being skinny doesn't mean you're pretty. In fact, these models who are extremely skinny actually look sickly and look odd to me.

I don't want to hate on skinny models or anything like that. I think all people are beautiful as long as their personalities are beautiful. I just don't see the need for us to all focus on appearances and how we should all look a certain way. The beauty of humanity is that every human is different. Why would we want to change that to make us all look the same? I just don't get it. 

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