Saturday, 31 March 2012


April Fools Day is tomorrow. I like to read about pranks, and I like to watch people on TV play pranks, but I don't like pranks in real life. Or, I don't like people to fool me and I don't like it when people play serious pranks on people.

I hate being tricked. It's just something I can't stand. If someone fools me, I can could be mad at them for a long time, no matter who they are. On April Fools Day, I end up being extra weary of everyone which isn't fun at all for me. 

When jokes become too serious and end up hurting someone, in my opinion, the joke is no longer funny. I don't mind if people play pranks on people that are silly pranks, but when things become serious, it's not fun. I just don't see how making someone feel bad is entertaining.

I don't want to sound like a killer of joy, and I do, in general, like pranks, just as long as they're not hurtful and not directed at me. Anyway, have fun tomorrow and play pranks on as many people as you like, as long as they're not cruel! :D

Friday, 30 March 2012

SD and Friends

Yesterday was Sports Day and it was quite fun. The best part about it though, was that my team won! It was kind of weird though, because throughout the day I kept hearing that my team was in last place even though it seemed like we were winning most things. So, although I wasn't expecting to win, I wasn't all that surprised.

After school, our friends came over to our house. (I'm using 'our' because they're my siblings and my friends.) Four of those friends slept over and it was a lot of fun. But, I didn't get as much sleep as I like to get on the weekends because I slept late and woke up early. So, I'm pretty tired now.

Tomorrow, I don't think I'll have much free time, so, I might not be able to come online and write anything. I just thought I would say that so if I don't blog, I would have at least said it before hand. If I do blog tomorrow, I think I'll talk April Fools Day!


Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Right, so I don't know what to write about today.

Tomorrow's Sports Day, and I can't tell you how much I want my team to win. My team has NEVER won, and thought this probably won't be my last Sport's Day, I really want to win this year. Most of my friends are in my team, and I'm really excited.

The only thing is I won't be actually playing any sports because lately I've been getting tired easily. Not to mention, I hate losing, so I'm only going to play the silly games.

I'll mention how it goes tomorrow! Byeee! 

Tuesday, 27 March 2012


I just watched a video that said that Israel created a new law that basically doesn't allow girls who are extremely skinny to become models. I don't want to talk about this law in general - though I must say that I really admire it - but I'd like to talk about how the media is always portraying that people with perfect bodies are more admirable.

The fact that you need to be skinny to be a model is a known fact. Also, you find that most characters in movies and shows are skinny. That's why I like Youtube because all the people there are real. Another show I like for this reason is Skins. I didn't notice until after I started to rewatch it, but none of the girls are extremely skinny - except Cassie and she's portrayed as sick.

But again, I don't want to go into that. I want to talk about why the majority of people on TV are skinny. Many TV shows are striving to be as realistic as possible because that way people can relate to them, but in real life, people aren't all models. I'm not saying that everyone is fat either, but the average person is, well, average. So, there should be more 'average' people in TV shows and movies.

We are all taught - whether directly or indirectly - that being skinny is better than being fat. But why? Some people argue that it's a health thing: being overweight equals being unhealthy. But I recently read an article that said that being skinny doesn't necessary mean that a person is healthy and vice versa. What makes a person healthy is how much they exercise and how carefully they eat. You can eat horribly and never exercise and still be skinny, but that doesn't mean you're healthy.

Of course, the main reason we are taught that being skinny is better is that it's more attractive. But why is it? I mean, there are many people who aren't necessarily models and yet are pretty. Why has society decided that the skinnier you are, the more attractive you are. Besides the fact that personality should count more than appearances, being skinny doesn't mean you're pretty. In fact, these models who are extremely skinny actually look sickly and look odd to me.

I don't want to hate on skinny models or anything like that. I think all people are beautiful as long as their personalities are beautiful. I just don't see the need for us to all focus on appearances and how we should all look a certain way. The beauty of humanity is that every human is different. Why would we want to change that to make us all look the same? I just don't get it. 

Monday, 26 March 2012

Thrilling Life

Yeah, I've been horrible at writing stuff, but I've just been kind of sick and sometimes I'm dizzy, and I really don't feel like blogging. So, though I really want to blog ever day, I definitely don't want it to become something I hate. If I miss a few days, it's not the end of the world, but at least I'll be refreshed when I come back.

Also, did I blog yesterday? I doubt it.

My brother and I have started to become interested in drawing. We've been watching drawing videos on Youtube (because, honestly, where else do people learn things?) and it's actually really fun. The only problem is that I don't have enough time to do it all the time. But in my free time, I will try to draw.

Today was picture day. I personally don't like to be in pictures, so picture day is definitely not one of my favourite days. Quite a bit of class time is wasted though because a lot of the time teachers have to go and be in pictures.

That's pretty much all that's happening with me. I have SUCH an thrilling life, don't I?

Friday, 23 March 2012


So, the Hunger Games movie came out today. I have no clue when I'll be able to watch it, but all I know is that I'll be so busy tomorrow that it's clouding everything. Like, I can't even think of Sunday because tomorrow is blocking it.

Does that make sense? It shouldn't. My brain feels fried right now. Like it was put on a barbecue. See, how lame that is? You know what's lamer? I couldn't remember how to spell barbecue.

In case you couldn't tell, I'm really really tired. I gotta go sleep now so that I can function tomorrow. Goodnight.   

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Thoughts in Five Minutes

I've got quite a bit of work to do this weekend. I tried my best to do as much as I could today because I normally don't have a lot of time on the weekend, and I'm happy with what I've done, even though I feel like I could have done more.

It's kind of late, and I'm really tired. I won't even bother to reread this, so sorry if it's crap. I always swear more after watching Skins. Don't know why I shared that, but I did.

I feel bad because I'll have to wake up Sasha now so that she can come to my room. If we leave her here in the family room, then in the morning she'll probably open the fridge or something and eat to her heart's desire.

Anyway, I'll go now. Hope you liked the thoughts that popped into my head in the five minutes that I've written this. I'm trying to work on ways to make this better, but I won't be able to carry them out until I don't have as much work! BYE

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Anti-Racist Mothers

Today is - or was - Mother's Day and Anti-Racism Day. My siblings and I got our mum flowers and two shirts and we, along with our extended family, went out for lunch. And we made banners and stuff for school promoting anti-racism.

I was hoping I could make a blog out of those two topics, but they're both really straightforward things. Any more elaboration would mean that this could get really corny. Not to mention the fact that my eyes are closed right now cause I'm really tired. Literally. I only made two mistakes in the last sentence.

Anyway, I'm going to go now. 

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Hunger Game Questionnaire

So, last year, I did a questionnaire for Harry Potter, and I wanted to do one for the Hunger Games, but I couldn't find a good one. Well, I've found one that seems interesting and short, so that's what I'll blog about today!

What District would you be from?
I actually have no clue, but I think I'll go with 12 for this.

What would your Panem name be?

What would your weapon of choice be? 
I think a sword because it could be useful in other things as well as killing. I was thinking initially that I'd use a knife, but then I would have to throw the knife to kill people and that would mean that my aim would have to be good. It's not.

What would your interview motive be?
I think that I would go for the cute innocent one. Kind of like Rue. I'd probably be shy in any case and would appear as cute an innocent even if that wasn't my motive.

What would your ideal arena be?
Somewhere with water and vegetation, but not many animals. 

Why could you win?
Because I would be invisible and no one will even remember me to come after me. Then when there's only two of us left I'd make my move. Also, I can hide pretty well and am good at strategies.

Why could you lose?
I could lose because I'm anything but a warrior. 

Monday, 19 March 2012

Sad Movies and Groups

I didn't blog yesterday because I forgot to. My bad.

We watches Hotel Rwanda in class and it was really good. I teared up quite a few times and I think I wasn't the only one. I like watching sad movies in groups because I like to see how everyone reacts. Everyone has a different reaction and you can learn just a bit more about them when you see how they react to emotional parts. Of course this doesn't really apply to my friends because I know them well enough to predict how they'll react, but is more useful for my classmates whom I don't know all that well.

Also, watching emotional things in a group makes me feel like I'm not alone. It feels good when you start laughing out of relief and you're not the only one. I felt like I could connect with my classmates and none of them had to know about it. (That sounds like I'm a creep, but I'm trying to be all sentimental or something.)

I don't know why I'm talking about this, but anyway I liked the movie even though there were times when I felt like I really really didn't want to watch it anymore. My heart goes out to anyone who died in the Rwandan genocide. And I hope nothing like it happens again.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Riley and Tom

Rubbing her eyes, she sat up in bed. Unlike most days, the sun wasn't shining and instead dark clouds were in the sky. Riley rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom. On her way there, she tripped over a pile of dirty clothes that was on the floor.

"Tom!" she shrieked. "Stop leaving your clothes on the floor! I trip on them almost everyday!"

Tom, getting out of his bed, shrugged. "Then you should learn to be more careful and pay attention to where you walk," he grumbled.

Tom was Riley's twin brother, and though they argued a lot, they had a lot in common. One of these things was that they were not morning people.

Riley picked up the pile and threw it at Tom who didn't even attempt to catch the clothes and just let them fall on the floor again. She rolled her eyes and then went to get ready, while Tom decided to go back to bed.

An hour later, they were both making their way to school.


Okay, so I didn't know what to write, and so I wrote that. I don't know if it's finished or not. It's probably not, because I mean, it has no plot or anything. Anyway, I hope you liked it. If not, too bad. :)


Friday, 16 March 2012

I know, I know: I've missed two days of blogging. But, in my defence, I've been sick, I hadn't turned on my laptop both yesterday and the day before, and my phone never has enough battery when I want to blog.

So, yesterday my friends threw me a surprise birthday party and it was a lot of fun, even though I was sick. It's funny how I was feeling better though when they came over.

I wish I knew what to write, but I don't. I've kept this page open for an hour as I did other things online, hoping I'd be inspired to write about something. But there's nothing. And now, I'm tired and want to sleep. So, I'll go and do that and I hope I have something to write about tomorrow.


Tuesday, 13 March 2012


I really, really, don't feel like blogging today. But I have to...

Maybe I'll just put pictures. :) That'll be nice.

Okay, that's enough! BYE

Monday, 12 March 2012

Naive Optimism

I'm currently reading a book called '18 Days in Tahrir' and it's basically a compilation of many people's accounts of what they went through from the 25th to the 11th. I find the book quite interesting but I do feel as if I don't know how accurate people's accounts are.

I'm not saying that people are lying about their experiences; I just feel that they're experiences are clouded by their adrenalin at the time and sometimes by their arrogance (So far, only one or two have seemed arrogant, though). So, they believe what they're saying is true, but at the time, they didn't know all that was happening and maybe weren't thinking clearly. Of course, this doesn't apply to everyone's account, but just a few of what I've read so far.

Regardless, it is still interesting, and I'm constantly getting goosebumps while reading it. I love how emotional and enthusiastic all the people are, even if at times their enthusiasm seems a bit naive. And, I hope that all that they have worked for, and all the people whose lives were sacrificed, was not for nothing. I'm also enthusiastic (optimistic) about the future of Egypt to the extent of naivety, but I don't care. I think that Egypt can become a great country. Heck, I think it's a great country now.

If reading this has taught me anything it's that there still is hope and people will do anything to improve Egypt. And that makes me happy.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Truly Interesting?

I haven't used my computer for two whole days. Something must be seriously wrong with the universe! Anyway, once again this will be short because I want to sleep.

Today was my great uncle's birthday, so after school we went to his house. It took us almost 2 hours to get there because the traffic was bad, and then we left his house at 8.

Don't know what else to say. Once again, I've written a truly interesting post, right?

Saturday, 10 March 2012

5 Things

There was a meme on YouTube a while ago where people would show 50 (I think) random things from their rooms. Obviously I can't show you guys anything, but, instead, I thought I would mention 5 things and talk a bit about each thing.

1) My 'Hermione' Wand: I bought this from London about two years ago and it is placed on one of the shelfs on my desk. No actual spell has been produced from it, but I'm working on that.

2) A Stapler: I've never noticed this. Where the hell did it come from?

3) Empty TicTac containers: I may or may not collect these. And number them. Also, I may have 20.

4) A Box of Coloured Toothpicks: We actually had this in Canada and when we saw it being unpacked along with the rest of our stuff that had been in storage for 3 years, we made the wise decision of not using them to pick food from between our teeth. The reason they're in my room is that I have, however, used them in various school projects.

5) A Little Black Bear Toy: I've had this for as long as I remember and it has always been one of my favourite toys. I just love it so much!

That's all folks!

Friday, 9 March 2012

My phone is going to die and I already turned off my laptop. So this will be my entry for today. Tomorrow I'll talk about wanted I wanted to talk about today! Okay?

Thursday, 8 March 2012


I'm going to talk about TV now! YAY!

So, I finished rewatching 'Sherlock' today with my family. I can't express how pissed we all are that we have to wait so long to find out what happened in the last episode. But anyway, I really love 'Sherlock' but I always feel really stupid after watching it. My brother was telling me how he always is trying to notice more about people after watching it, and when he can't find anything, he feels dumb, and that's exactly what I do and feel! It's sometimes weird how alike we are in things.

The next show I'll talk about is 'Merlin'. I can't express how much I love that show. Maybe a reason I like it so much is that it's different from the known legend. To be honest, at the beginning all the differences annoyed me, but now I really like that it's unique. Another reason I like it so much is probably Colin Morgan's eyes...and smile. But even if his eyes weren't so perfect, I would still love 'Merlin' because it's just got everything and amazingly good.

The last show I'll talk about is 'Skins'. I started watching it about three years ago. And, now, I'm going to rewatch the first few seasons (probably). I also liked the US Skins - not as much as the original though, but enough to be upset that it was cancelled.

I hope you don't think I'm too addicted to TV after reading this. I honestly do like to read and do other things with me like, okay? ;)

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Eating and Drinking Is Good

I'm getting really bad at remembering to blog. I forgot two times already this month, and I was going to forget again today. But, I think I'll allow myself to forget a few times. It's not like anything will happen if I forget to write a blogpost one day, or will it?

I actually don't have much time to write this, but let me write a few reasons why today was awesome:

1) I started watching Season 4 of Merlin (sorry Sher ;) )

2) I got the results to some my tests that I recently took and they were good.

3) I read while using the exercise machine.

4) I ate a lot of crackers.

5) I drank coffee.

6) I watched some 'answerly' videos.

Okay, that's all. Just so you know, today wasn't an exceptionally awesome day, I just though I'd try to think of some good things that happened. And yes, drinking coffee and eating crackers are good things.


Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Songs and Memory

Having a song stuck in your head is a completely normal thing. There are times when I have songs stuck in my head for weeks and weeks, but normally they're songs that I like and that I listen to a lot. So, it's quite understandable that they'd be stuck in my head.

I've just read an article on bbc all about why music gets stuck in our heads. The article was not only about songs that we've recently heard being stuck in our heads, but also why we suddenly remember songs we haven't heard in a long time which then become stuck in our head. It said that normally something we see or experience reminds us of that song.

So, for example, if, as a kid, you always used to listen to a certain song when you did your math homework, maybe when you have kids and are helping them with their math homework, you'll remember that song. And then that song will get stuck in your head.

But we are always making associations like this with other things, like food. Normally when I come home, I make a cheese sandwich and watch Merlin as I eat this sandwich. Now, no matter what time it is, if I start to watch Merlin I start to imagine a cheese sandwich. I can even smell it sometimes.

I'm not really going to get into food associations though; for now, I'll stick with music. I don't think many people really realise what has triggered their memory to remember the songs that are stuck in their heads, but it really is interesting. Next time a song that I haven't listened to is playing over and over again in my head, I'll be sure to try to remember what made me remember that particular song.

The way our memory works is very strange. We can remember experiences to trigger songs, and yet we can't remember the things we want to remember like the dates of the historical events we're being tested on and what not. I think if our memory didn't work the way it do though, life wouldn't be as interesting, would it?

Sunday, 4 March 2012


Uhm, so today was pretty fun. I don't really know what else to say about it.

I have absolutely nothing to talk about now, except for the fact that I want to go on the roof and play guitar but I'm stuck with the dogs. I think I'll call my brother to come and take them. Or not. I'll see.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Short and Not So Sweet

Did I write anything yesterday? I don't think I did. Oops.

Tomorrow my school is having International Day, an my class is Japan. I'm going to dress up as an anime school girl, which is just a normal school girl. XP

Anyway, I'm busy doing stuff for tomorrow and I'm going to play ping-pong later. So, sorry for the short post.


Thursday, 1 March 2012

My Sister and Me

So, I've been asked to write about the similarities between my sister, Nadeen, and me. Now, if you don't know us you won't understand why someone would ask me such a thing. I mean, sisters are supposed to be similar, and most of the time you can tell when people are sisters by how they act or look. But with Nadeen and me, it's different. No one can ever tell we're sisters because we neither act nor look the same. Most people think I'm playing a prank on them when I tell them we're sisters. Nevertheless, we do have similarities.

The first one is that we both have a tendency to worry too much. I'm better at hiding my worry than she is, but that doesn't mean that I don't worry. For example, if we're walking with our brother and he goes a different way from us, we'll both start to worry and call him frantically, even though he's old enough to take care of himself.

Another thing we have in common is that we're both responsible. When someone gives us a task, we like to carry it out completely. The difference between us here is that I'm more of a perfectionist in myself, while Nadeen tends to stress more when she feels like she can't carry something out for someone else. In a situation like that, I tend to be more relaxed (not a hundred percent relaxed though).

Also, we both tend to be on the kind side. Nadeen is, of course, kinder than I am, but she tends to be harsher when she talks to people because she's learnt that being rude and harsh is how you become popular. Of course, this is wrong, but what can we do.

And finally, we are both not popular. Not that that matters, of course. It's just a similarity. :P

There are more, but I've been writing this for a while, and I want to go. Oh, and in terms of looks, we have almost the same hair colour, but hers is lighter. That's pretty much the only thing we have in common in terms of looks...