Monday 1 August 2011

My Sister and Brother

Hi again!

It's August, so you know what that means, don't you? BEDA! I'm so excited to be blogging everyday again!

But enough exclamation points. Let's talk about something. Hmm, I honestly have no idea what to talk about. I'm at my grandparents, using my phone to blog because the wi-fi isn't working so I can't use a laptop. Nadeen, my sister, is looking out the window and Chrstopher, my brother, is talking on the phone.

So, the reason I'm blogging now is I'll be at my grandparents for most of the day and I don't know when I'll be going home today. I might go home at 11:30pm and so I'll only have half an hour to post a blog. And all this is SO interesting, right?

Moving on...Christopher played a trick on Nadeen and now Nadeen is shouting at him. But she isn't mad; she's joking with him. And now she's singing a song. This is how the song goes:

'Since the day you were dead,
You were just an idiotay...'

Then she started singing random French words. Now, she's squeaking. As you might have guessed, Christopher and I are laughing hysterically. Christopher just said to her, 'Are you actually saying words, or just screaming sounds?' XP

Oh, how my siblings make me laugh. And sure, they get on my nerves sometimes, but I love them. Don't tell them I said that, though. ;)

Until tomorrow!

Oh! I almost forgot: Ramadan Kareem to my Muslim friends! :)

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