Thursday 16 June 2011

It's been a while...

Hello! I know it's been a while since I've blogged, but, honestly, I've been meaning too. But because of school, I haven't really gotten a chance to blog.* But school's over, so here I am!

We just finished school yesterday, and for some reason it hasn't hit me that it's summer yet. I still feel like I'll have school next Sunday and that I have to do homework or study or something.
Arghh, my laptop is being so slow today! I don't know why! I'm going to have to restart it, I think. And none of you care about that, do you? :P

So, what are your plans for the summer? Anyone going anywhere exciting? I probably won't go anywhere, but I actually like staying at home, so I have no problem with that. Not that I don't love to travel, because I do. I just also love to stay at home and 'chill'.

So, I've recently started watching 'Lie to Me', which I really like. I don't know about you, but I find facial expressions and stuff like that very interesting. Anyway, I'm loading an episode of 'Lie to Me' now, and that's why I can't restart my laptop now. And I felt like mentioning this because it wouldn't be a proper blog post if I didn't mention what I was watching now would it?

Well, I don't actually have much to say today, I just felt like blogging. And I plan to blog quite a bit this summer.** But then again, I planned to blog at least once a month and I didn't blog once in May...

Anyway, have you noticed how I almost always start my paragraphs with 'anyway' or 'so', or something like that. Those words have a name but I forgot what they're called. I'd google them, but I can't be bothered.
So  - see what I mean? - I will talk to you all later, and I hope you have a fantastically great day! :)


* When I finish school I'll have to come up with some other excuse to use for everything.
** Especially in August. ;)

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