Saturday 6 August 2011

All Over The Place

Remember how I said that I had to write a long email yesterday? Well, I didn't write it yesterday, and, instead, I wrote it now. So, I'm not really in the whole writing mood, as you can imagine. But I'm still going to blog.

I must admit that yesterday I wasn't exactly in a good mood when I wrote my blog. I think it was partly because I was tired, partly because I was sick, and mostly because the internet was slow. The speed of the internet can really affect my mood. No joke.

But, I'm in a much better mood today. I just don't feel like writing. XP

Again, I'll be quite busy the next few days, and I really hope I remember to blog everyday, even if it's a paragraph long. I think my favourite blog post so far this month was the first one.

I only have fifteen minutes to post this before midnight! Yikes!

Did I really just spend almost two hours writing an email? Yes, yes I did. But it was an important email, and I did enjoy writing it.

I love how none of my blog posts have any real topic. I'm all over the place. Maybe I should start thinking of actual topics before I start writing and not just writing the first thing that comes to my mind. Or maybe the beauty of this - if there is in fact any - is that there are no topics. Maybe. I mean, it could be a possibility, right? I can almost see you disagree with me. Fine. I don't care what you think anyway. (That may or may not be a lie.)

Well, I think this is time for me to press 'Preview' and then 'Publish Post'. But before I do:

My Surroundings: My mum is sitting on the chair next to me using her iPad. Leo is curled up in a ball, fast asleep, in front of her chair while Sasha is curled up in a ball, fast asleep, in front of my chair. And of course, the TV is on. Oh, and I'm in the family room.


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