Thursday 11 August 2011


So, again I missed a day of blogging. I actually didn't even realise that I hadn't blogged until last night at 3am, so I was three hours late and I was too lazy to turn on my laptop and write a proper blog. Instead of making up for blogging in September though, I thought I'd just write two blog posts today.

Now, I can see that some of you are thinking that that makes no sense and that I could just write one extra long blog post. But, there's this Pottermore questionnaire thingy that I want to answer, and I want it to be in it's own post. (It's a response to HayleyGHoover.) So I'll do that later.

It's funny how crazy this August has been so far! My (second) cousins that were staying over left today, and we won't see them for a while. So that's sad, cause they're the part of my family that I really like. Don't get me wrong; I like the majority of my family, but there are some that I 'really' like and some that I don't like at all. But you all can relate to that. I doubt there's a person in this world who likes all their family. (And by family I mean my extended family. I love everyone in my immediate family.)

I've been waking up early and sleeping late these past few days, and tomorrow I plan to sleep in. And my cold is almost a hundred percent gone, which is good.

Haha, just heard my mum say something that implies that I won't exactly be able to sleep in tomorrow. At least I won't have  to wake up 8:30 though. :)

You know I never imagined I would be this busy in August. I knew I would be busy yesterday, because it was my brother's birthday, and that we'd have a few cousins over, but I didn't think they'd stay for long. But it really has been fun so far. And we might travel next week. Things don't seem like they'll calm down anytime soon.

But now, I'm going to answer that Pottermore questionnaire and watch some videos! Hopefully tomorrow I won't forget to blog. :)

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