Sunday 7 August 2011

Harry Potter Questionnaire!

Since I have no idea what to write about today, I thought I'd answer a Harry Potter questionnaire! So, this should be fun!

1) Who is your favourite character?
Luna! She's definitely my favourite. Ron, Hermione, Sirius and Tonks all tie for second place, and Fred and George tie for third. :)

2) Who is your least favourite character?
Pettigrew. I hate his guts, the traitor.

3) If you were one of the professors, who would you be?
That's a tough one. I think I would probably be a female Lupin - without a furry little problem.

4) If you were one of the students, who would you be?
Definitely Hermione. She is the character I can relate to the most. Except she cares way more about school than I do.

5) Which one is more like you? Harry, Ron or Hermione?

6) Which house would you be in?
Ravenclaw! :D

7) What position would you play on quidditch?
Well, I'm not exactly sure I'd make the team, but if I did I would definitely play chaser. Or maybe seeker. Probably chaser though, because I wouldn't want the outcome of the game to be mostly on my shoulders...

8) Which owl would you be? Hedwig, Errol, Pig or Percy's?
Uhm, none? I don't think I would ever be an owl...

9) What animal would you bring to Hogwarts?
An owl! Just because I wouldn't be an owl, doesn't mean I wouldn't want one. :)

10) What subject would you be best at?
Hmm, I don't know. I don't know what subject I'm best at at the school I go to....I guess I would be best at Muggle Studies? I don't know. I'd like to think I'd be best at DADA. ;)

11) Which subject would you be worst at?

12) Which store would interest you most in Hogsmeade?
Honeydukes or Zonko's.

13) Who would you want to go with to the Yule Ball?
Uhm, I guess I'll go with Ron since I'm like Hermione. Or maybe George or Fred. Or Neville. Or I don't know. XP Or Terry Boot, just cause of our names. Wouldn't that be cheesy?

14) Who would be your number one enemy?
'Peter Pettigrew, I'm coming for you, you'd better run!'*
Or I guess Voldemort, cause Pettigrew is not worthy enough to be my enemy.

And finally:

15) What would your patronus be?
I have no clue. Maybe a fox? Or a wolf? Or a monkey? I have no idea why I just wrote monkey.


So, I probably could have written more detailed answers, but it's already past midnight.

My Surrounding: I'm sitting on my bed alone.


*Song by Alex Carpenter.

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