Saturday 13 August 2011


I'm writing this right before I go to sleep. You want to know why? Cause I forgot about blogging again. I don't know why I'm doing so badly at BEDA this month. Well, actually I have some theories:

1) In April, I had school, and during school days, I spend my time looking to do things that aren't school related. Like blogging. So I was always thinking about what I was going to blog and when and all that stuff. Now, in the summer, I'm busy doing things I want to do and therefore don't need to think about blogging. (But blogging is something I want to do, I just forget to do it ;))

2) I'm extremely busy! Like if this was BEDJ (J standing for July or June) then I would have no trouble blogging everyday.

But that's enough of that. And yes, I realize that so far in August, I'm either not blogging or blogging about not blogging. So that must be boring for you all.

Anyway, I need to charge my Kindle. (Random...)

Guess what? I got a virus on my laptop today! But I think I - and by 'I' I mean 'Christopher' - managed to get rid of it! And I updated my iPhone and needed to restore it. So that basically took most of my day.

Anyway, I have to sleep now! I'm not going to read this over, so sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes!


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