Monday 23 April 2012


Next year, in grade 12, we'll have to pick between taking the science course or art course. In the science course you take advanced math, physics, advanced biology, and have to pick between psychology and business, while in arts you take normal math, normal biology, no physics, and you take both psychology and business. And, in both subjects you take the normal English, computer, and so on.

Anyway, we have to choose by next week which course we want to take, and a whole lot of people have no clue yet. I find this odd because I knew straight away that I wanted to go into science even though I don't need to take science for the field I want to study in university.

I just would like the challenge, and I really do love math and biology. Anyway, I can't wait to see what the rest of the students will pick. I also can't wait to not be in the same class as some of the people currently in my class (though I really do like my class this year, except 1 or 2 students). But, I'm sad because some of friends are picking arts so I won't be in their class. I guess I'll have to learn to deal with that.

In any case, I can't wait for grade 12 so that I can be closer to graduation and can get away from school!

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