Friday 27 April 2012

Art and Gibberish

The best thing about art is that it's all relative. Or is that the worst thing about it? I don't know. I like math, which isn't relative: it's either math or it isn't, right or wrong. So why did I start this post by saying that being relative was a good thing?

I guess I really like the idea that everyone is different. I mean, it's not an idea; it's a fact. But you all get what I mean. Imagine how boring the world would be if we were all the same. It would even be boring of more than five people were exactly the same. Not that less than five people isn't boring, but less than five people aren't going to really affect the world, will they? 

Anyway people being different is what makes art relative. So I guess that's why the best thing about art is that's it's relative. Or, at least, that's my opinion.

I don't even know what I'm writing right now. I'm just tired and feel like writing something weird. So here this is. 

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