Sunday 14 August 2011

Before 6am

It's before 6am, and we're still at home. I think all of us are ready but we don't actually need to leave the house before 6. So now we're all just doing the last little things and closing the bag.

I'm excited, but honestly, now I'm just tired. I didn't exactly sleep that well...

I'm going to miss my family that's staying here, my friends and my dogs.

So, I'm going to go and see if I can help anyone with anything!



I'm blogging before it's dark out! That's almost a miracle! :)

Okay, so now to say why I won't be able to really blog tomorrow! I'm going to travel to America! So basically, I'm going to spend most of my day tomorrow on the plane and when we finally reach our hotel which has internet, I'll be too tired to blog. But, if I have time, I'll write a blog in the Airport in Egypt while I still have 3G.

I'm not going to stay in America for long, but I'm still excited. And what I want to blog about today is airplanes.

I'm a person who in general likes airplanes. But, at the beginning, as soon as I enter a plane, I feel sick and I don't like it at all. Even now, just thinking of airplanes and the smell of airplanes makes me sort of nauseous. After a minute or so on the plane, I'm fine though. And I even feel very comfortable. So, that's weird, right?

I'm charging my Kindle now, and I might buy a new ebook, but that depends on how many books I already have on my Kindle because I forgot. Anyway, I'll probably read on the plane, watch a movie, play with my cousin, and listen to music. And even though it's a long flight, I don't plan on sleeping. But you never know. I might.

Another thing that's weird about me is that I don't actually hate airplane food. I mean, now that I'm thinking so much about airplanes - and like I said, I'm a bit nauseous - airplane food doesn't seem very appetizing, but when I'm eating it, I don't mind it.

Anyway, I'll probably film a lot in America - or at least I plan to. But I will miss my laptop...I'm so addicted to my laptop, dude.

But do you want to know something that sucks about airplanes? The departure times. I have to wake up at 5 tomorrow. And I know that that isn't even all that bad....XP


Saturday 13 August 2011


I'm writing this right before I go to sleep. You want to know why? Cause I forgot about blogging again. I don't know why I'm doing so badly at BEDA this month. Well, actually I have some theories:

1) In April, I had school, and during school days, I spend my time looking to do things that aren't school related. Like blogging. So I was always thinking about what I was going to blog and when and all that stuff. Now, in the summer, I'm busy doing things I want to do and therefore don't need to think about blogging. (But blogging is something I want to do, I just forget to do it ;))

2) I'm extremely busy! Like if this was BEDJ (J standing for July or June) then I would have no trouble blogging everyday.

But that's enough of that. And yes, I realize that so far in August, I'm either not blogging or blogging about not blogging. So that must be boring for you all.

Anyway, I need to charge my Kindle. (Random...)

Guess what? I got a virus on my laptop today! But I think I - and by 'I' I mean 'Christopher' - managed to get rid of it! And I updated my iPhone and needed to restore it. So that basically took most of my day.

Anyway, I have to sleep now! I'm not going to read this over, so sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes!


Friday 12 August 2011

Fake People Are Fake

You know what I really hate? People who are fake. You know what I hate even more? People who are fake who go around saying how much they hate fake people.

I know this person who is constantly saying things about how she can't stand fake people and how they're horrible and things like that, and she is probably one of the most fake person I know. And that's saying a lot, because I know a lot of fake people - don't we all?

But I was thinking the other day that maybe those kind of people don't realise how fake they are. But that doesn't make much sense, because when you don't think about how you act in front of people then you aren't being fake. And the only way they wouldn't know they were fake is if they didn't think about how they acted in front of people. So I guess, that rules out that.

Well, then that begs the question of why they say things like that? Well, I guess it's obvious: they're fake.


So, that was my little sort of rant. It's done now. But I really do hate those kind of people. (And I do hate to use the word hate a lot.)

I would just like to give a heads up to the fact that my blog post on the 15th won't be a proper one, if I even manage to post one. And I'll explain more about why that will be the case later.

For now let's talk about:

My Surroundings: I'm in my room, alone, sitting my my chair that pulls out to be a bed and part of the chair is pulled out. That's all I have to say.

Remember how last BEDA I did this thing where I ended all my posts with song quotes? Well, I'm not doing that this time.


Thursday 11 August 2011

Re: Pottermore

This is a response to Hayley's blog post. And if for some reason, you don't follow her blog, you should. XP

1) What's your Pottermore username?

2) What house do you think it sounds like?
Am I missing something? Can a username sound like a house? I guess I'd say it sounds like it would belong in Ravenclaw, cause Ravenclaws 'glow' with knowledge? Or because I'm a Ravenclaw and I would like my username to be Ravenclaw too...

3) What house do you want to be in?

4) Does your username relate to you at all?
Well, there was a time when some of my friends called me T-Dawg and other names that were related to dogs because we all had animal nicknames, and dogs howl. So I guess that's something.

5) What kind of wand do you wish to get?
Any wand that preforms well.

6) Are you pure, half-blooded, or Muggle born?
I have no clue. I guess that makes me a Muggle born, because I would know if I was pure or half-blooded, right?

7) Which day did you get into Pottermore?
Day 3. And, actually, most of the people that I was talking to about Pottermore also got in on day . :)

8) What shape is your Patronus?
A fox.

9) What does your boggart look like?
My boggart would be like Mrs. Weasley's.

10) Would you rather be an Animagus or a Metamorphmagus?
That's hard, because they're both incredibly cool things to be. But I think I'd go with being a Metamorphmagus because then I could change anything about my appearance while being an Animagus I could only change to one form.

11) If you were an Animagus, what animal would you be?
I think I'd be some sort of wild dog. Or just a big dog like Sirius.

And that's the end! Have a great day! :)


So, again I missed a day of blogging. I actually didn't even realise that I hadn't blogged until last night at 3am, so I was three hours late and I was too lazy to turn on my laptop and write a proper blog. Instead of making up for blogging in September though, I thought I'd just write two blog posts today.

Now, I can see that some of you are thinking that that makes no sense and that I could just write one extra long blog post. But, there's this Pottermore questionnaire thingy that I want to answer, and I want it to be in it's own post. (It's a response to HayleyGHoover.) So I'll do that later.

It's funny how crazy this August has been so far! My (second) cousins that were staying over left today, and we won't see them for a while. So that's sad, cause they're the part of my family that I really like. Don't get me wrong; I like the majority of my family, but there are some that I 'really' like and some that I don't like at all. But you all can relate to that. I doubt there's a person in this world who likes all their family. (And by family I mean my extended family. I love everyone in my immediate family.)

I've been waking up early and sleeping late these past few days, and tomorrow I plan to sleep in. And my cold is almost a hundred percent gone, which is good.

Haha, just heard my mum say something that implies that I won't exactly be able to sleep in tomorrow. At least I won't have  to wake up 8:30 though. :)

You know I never imagined I would be this busy in August. I knew I would be busy yesterday, because it was my brother's birthday, and that we'd have a few cousins over, but I didn't think they'd stay for long. But it really has been fun so far. And we might travel next week. Things don't seem like they'll calm down anytime soon.

But now, I'm going to answer that Pottermore questionnaire and watch some videos! Hopefully tomorrow I won't forget to blog. :)

Tuesday 9 August 2011



I'm using mum's iPad now, so this might take a century for me to write.

Yesrerday, when I was writing, I may or may not have had a fever and that might be the reason why my post was so weird. Or not. Also, I ended up not making video so it wasn't horrible.

I have absolutely nothing to say today.

My Surroundings: I'm on the roof. Nadeen, Christopher and my mum's cousin, Mark are sitting to my right and my mum is sitting to my left. Mark is now playing CoD and we are all watching. Christopher was playing CoD, but now he's playing guitar. And my mum was using her iPad until I took it. Nadeen is watching a video on her iPhone.


Monday 8 August 2011

Being Sick and Stuff

Oi! Guess what? I'm sick! Woohoo!

No, but honestly, I feel great. (Sarcasm).

You know what's really annoying? That sarcasm is not easily intercepted through text. You have to know the person you're talking to well to be able to detect when they are using sarcasm.

I bet none of you guys knew that.

I'm literally typing with my eyes half closed. In fact, sometimes I close them completely. Like now...

I woke up at 5:30am today. So that was fun. Actually, it wasn't all that bad because I got to finish watching Sherlock Holmes and a few YouTube videos. I'm not tired now though. It's 11:30pm now, and I'm still going to watch a few things.

My video tomorrow is going to be horrible. That's just a heads up. You know. In case you care. Which you don't.

Cool story, bro.

I shouldn't be allowed to blog when I'm sick.

I just smacked my keyboard. Sorry keyboard.

I'm going to go now. BYE!

My Surroundings: I'm on the roof, on the exercise machine. I'm alone. Everyone else is in their rooms...XD

Sunday 7 August 2011

Harry Potter Questionnaire!

Since I have no idea what to write about today, I thought I'd answer a Harry Potter questionnaire! So, this should be fun!

1) Who is your favourite character?
Luna! She's definitely my favourite. Ron, Hermione, Sirius and Tonks all tie for second place, and Fred and George tie for third. :)

2) Who is your least favourite character?
Pettigrew. I hate his guts, the traitor.

3) If you were one of the professors, who would you be?
That's a tough one. I think I would probably be a female Lupin - without a furry little problem.

4) If you were one of the students, who would you be?
Definitely Hermione. She is the character I can relate to the most. Except she cares way more about school than I do.

5) Which one is more like you? Harry, Ron or Hermione?

6) Which house would you be in?
Ravenclaw! :D

7) What position would you play on quidditch?
Well, I'm not exactly sure I'd make the team, but if I did I would definitely play chaser. Or maybe seeker. Probably chaser though, because I wouldn't want the outcome of the game to be mostly on my shoulders...

8) Which owl would you be? Hedwig, Errol, Pig or Percy's?
Uhm, none? I don't think I would ever be an owl...

9) What animal would you bring to Hogwarts?
An owl! Just because I wouldn't be an owl, doesn't mean I wouldn't want one. :)

10) What subject would you be best at?
Hmm, I don't know. I don't know what subject I'm best at at the school I go to....I guess I would be best at Muggle Studies? I don't know. I'd like to think I'd be best at DADA. ;)

11) Which subject would you be worst at?

12) Which store would interest you most in Hogsmeade?
Honeydukes or Zonko's.

13) Who would you want to go with to the Yule Ball?
Uhm, I guess I'll go with Ron since I'm like Hermione. Or maybe George or Fred. Or Neville. Or I don't know. XP Or Terry Boot, just cause of our names. Wouldn't that be cheesy?

14) Who would be your number one enemy?
'Peter Pettigrew, I'm coming for you, you'd better run!'*
Or I guess Voldemort, cause Pettigrew is not worthy enough to be my enemy.

And finally:

15) What would your patronus be?
I have no clue. Maybe a fox? Or a wolf? Or a monkey? I have no idea why I just wrote monkey.


So, I probably could have written more detailed answers, but it's already past midnight.

My Surrounding: I'm sitting on my bed alone.


*Song by Alex Carpenter.

Saturday 6 August 2011

All Over The Place

Remember how I said that I had to write a long email yesterday? Well, I didn't write it yesterday, and, instead, I wrote it now. So, I'm not really in the whole writing mood, as you can imagine. But I'm still going to blog.

I must admit that yesterday I wasn't exactly in a good mood when I wrote my blog. I think it was partly because I was tired, partly because I was sick, and mostly because the internet was slow. The speed of the internet can really affect my mood. No joke.

But, I'm in a much better mood today. I just don't feel like writing. XP

Again, I'll be quite busy the next few days, and I really hope I remember to blog everyday, even if it's a paragraph long. I think my favourite blog post so far this month was the first one.

I only have fifteen minutes to post this before midnight! Yikes!

Did I really just spend almost two hours writing an email? Yes, yes I did. But it was an important email, and I did enjoy writing it.

I love how none of my blog posts have any real topic. I'm all over the place. Maybe I should start thinking of actual topics before I start writing and not just writing the first thing that comes to my mind. Or maybe the beauty of this - if there is in fact any - is that there are no topics. Maybe. I mean, it could be a possibility, right? I can almost see you disagree with me. Fine. I don't care what you think anyway. (That may or may not be a lie.)

Well, I think this is time for me to press 'Preview' and then 'Publish Post'. But before I do:

My Surroundings: My mum is sitting on the chair next to me using her iPad. Leo is curled up in a ball, fast asleep, in front of her chair while Sasha is curled up in a ball, fast asleep, in front of my chair. And of course, the TV is on. Oh, and I'm in the family room.


Friday 5 August 2011

Nothing of Actual Importance

I feel like I shouldn't have promised to write a long blog today, because I can't think of what to write. I haven't used my laptop for a few days and I have a long email to write and YouTube videos to watch. And, of course, I have to write this 'long' blog post.

Also, the internet for some reason is slow.

Mubarak's trial was a few days ago. I'm not exactly sure what happened because I was busy and didn't get to watch it. But it was postponed to later in August, as far as I'm aware. And people say he looked really healthy considering all the rumours about him being 'seriously ill'.

I feel like drinking coffee.

Summer's going by really quickly. I mean, we only have a month left. I know that a month is still a lot, but it's also not a lot. There are still plenty of things I wanted to do this summer which I still haven't done. And time is running out.

You know what? I'm going to end this here.

Thursday 4 August 2011



This is going to be short and sweet.

First of all, I want to apologise for not writing yesterday. I completely forgot...

We have some relatives staying over for a couple of days and we haven't seen them in ages, so I've been really busy. So, I forgot about BEDA yesterday. And today, I don't have much time to write.

But, tomorrow, I will write a long blog post and I will blog am extra day to make up for not writin yesterday. Okay? Oh wait, no one actually reads this but me...well, I guess I'll say 'Okay' to myself. That sounds so pathetic! Haha.

Well, bye!

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Body Language...

How are you? I hope you're doing super!

Is that a weird start to this post? I think it might be. Oh, well...

So, I've just finished watching 'Lie to Me'. Nour, one of my best friends, suggested that I watch it, and, I must say, it really is a good show. I might even have to add it to one of my favourite shows. Anyway, the reason I like it is it's about body language, and more specifically facial expressions. Now, this is a topic that I find very interesting. I wish I was able to tell when people are lying and when they're telling the truth. 

I guess, to some extent, most of us can tell when someone is lying. Not always, of course. I know some people who are experts at lying*, and it's quite hard to tell when they're lying. But, because I know them well, I think I can tell most of the time when they lie. So maybe it depends on how well you know a person? But, I don't think I've explained what I mean by the first sentence in this paragraph; I'll elaborate in the next.

Okay, so most people - not all, though - are able to detect when someone is being sarcastic, for example. We understand how people work because we are people. Wow. I don't know where that sentence came from, but anyway. We understand body language, even if we are unaware of it. So, we can tell sometimes when people aren't telling the truth. 

I don't think I should ever try to explain what I mean again. Even I, who knows what I mean, find it hard to understand that previous paragraph. Luckily, I think the two or three people who actually read this know me well enough to understand what I meant to some extent, so that's good. If you guys don't understand, tell me in the comments and I'll try to elaborate even more. Not that I think that will help. I'll probably elaborate by saying, 'People are people, so we are people,' or something like that.

Anyway, I would definitely recommend 'Lie to Me', and it's not at all bloody!**

Yesterday I talked about my surroundings, so I'm going to do that again. Maybe it will become a thing, or not.

My dad is sitting on the chair to the left of me and he's playing a game on his iPad. My mum is sitting on the couch on my right, talking on the phone with her iPad on her lap. My dogs are sleeping on the floor and my siblings aren't in the room. Also, the TV is on, but I don't think anyone is actually watching it. WASTE OF ELECTRICITY! 

And that's all for today! See you - actually, I won't actually see you - tomorrow! 


*AKA Minitwinies. But they're actually surprising honest most of the time even though they're excellent liars. I take my hat off to the two of you ;)

**That's a reference to a previous blog post.

Monday 1 August 2011

My Sister and Brother

Hi again!

It's August, so you know what that means, don't you? BEDA! I'm so excited to be blogging everyday again!

But enough exclamation points. Let's talk about something. Hmm, I honestly have no idea what to talk about. I'm at my grandparents, using my phone to blog because the wi-fi isn't working so I can't use a laptop. Nadeen, my sister, is looking out the window and Chrstopher, my brother, is talking on the phone.

So, the reason I'm blogging now is I'll be at my grandparents for most of the day and I don't know when I'll be going home today. I might go home at 11:30pm and so I'll only have half an hour to post a blog. And all this is SO interesting, right?

Moving on...Christopher played a trick on Nadeen and now Nadeen is shouting at him. But she isn't mad; she's joking with him. And now she's singing a song. This is how the song goes:

'Since the day you were dead,
You were just an idiotay...'

Then she started singing random French words. Now, she's squeaking. As you might have guessed, Christopher and I are laughing hysterically. Christopher just said to her, 'Are you actually saying words, or just screaming sounds?' XP

Oh, how my siblings make me laugh. And sure, they get on my nerves sometimes, but I love them. Don't tell them I said that, though. ;)

Until tomorrow!

Oh! I almost forgot: Ramadan Kareem to my Muslim friends! :)