Monday 30 April 2012


You know when many people are talking at the same time, and then they start to argue, even though they all have the same point? Well, that happened a lot today as my friends and I were trying to make up a fair government for a school project.

I felt that in most things, we were agreement, but because we all wanted to say our points, we weren't letting each other speak. So we ended up yelling and it was hard to hear each other. I guess that has to do with all of us thinking we're the most important, and therefore has to get her message across.

We all know that we aren't more important than anyone else, but at the same time, deep down, we have all do feel that we are. Or is that just me? But it's not as self-centered as I'm making it sound. We all just think that what we have to say is very important and that everyone should stop what they're doing to listen. It's not that we think we're better than everyone; we're just more important - especially when we have something we want to say.

And on that note, I'll leave you because I'm too important to be writing a blogpost ;).

Saturday 28 April 2012


Tomorrow I might do a presentation on autism, and I really don't want to mess up. Autism is something i feel really strongly towards, and I don't want people to be bored  during my presentation, or not pay attention. And I don't want to end up talking really fast, which I always do, and end up having only my close friends who can understand me well will end up paying attention.

I'm just really nervous. I always get nervous before I present something, because I suck at it, but this time it's different. This time I don't care about the grade: I care if people pay attention or not!

Arghhh! Anyway, wish me good luck! Or not, you don't have to do anything you don't want to! No means no! :P

Friday 27 April 2012

Art and Gibberish

The best thing about art is that it's all relative. Or is that the worst thing about it? I don't know. I like math, which isn't relative: it's either math or it isn't, right or wrong. So why did I start this post by saying that being relative was a good thing?

I guess I really like the idea that everyone is different. I mean, it's not an idea; it's a fact. But you all get what I mean. Imagine how boring the world would be if we were all the same. It would even be boring of more than five people were exactly the same. Not that less than five people isn't boring, but less than five people aren't going to really affect the world, will they? 

Anyway people being different is what makes art relative. So I guess that's why the best thing about art is that's it's relative. Or, at least, that's my opinion.

I don't even know what I'm writing right now. I'm just tired and feel like writing something weird. So here this is. 

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Random Points

I can't get 'Call Me Maybe' out of my head. It's such a good song.

We didn't have school today because it's Sinai Day, I think.

This blog will be made of random points, hope you don't mind.

I have two tests tomorrow which I really don't want to take.

I miss Skins! I finished rewatching the first four seasons. I forgot how good it was, and now I don't know what to watch.

I love math, but it can be so frustrating!

I'm going to end this here! :)

Monday 23 April 2012


Next year, in grade 12, we'll have to pick between taking the science course or art course. In the science course you take advanced math, physics, advanced biology, and have to pick between psychology and business, while in arts you take normal math, normal biology, no physics, and you take both psychology and business. And, in both subjects you take the normal English, computer, and so on.

Anyway, we have to choose by next week which course we want to take, and a whole lot of people have no clue yet. I find this odd because I knew straight away that I wanted to go into science even though I don't need to take science for the field I want to study in university.

I just would like the challenge, and I really do love math and biology. Anyway, I can't wait to see what the rest of the students will pick. I also can't wait to not be in the same class as some of the people currently in my class (though I really do like my class this year, except 1 or 2 students). But, I'm sad because some of friends are picking arts so I won't be in their class. I guess I'll have to learn to deal with that.

In any case, I can't wait for grade 12 so that I can be closer to graduation and can get away from school!

Sunday 22 April 2012


You know what's odd? I can't remember how Sasha was like as a puppy. I mean, I can remember her biting me, and being all hyperactive. And I can remember that time when she drank so much that her stomach became all wobbly and adorable. And the time she grabbed a bag full of yellow powdered paint and shook it and got the paint all over her. But, I don't remember much besides cute little details.

For example, I can't remember when she used to sleep. All I remember was that we had to jump from couch to couch to avoid getting nipped because she was just so active. But she must have slept. I also remember the time she jumped on me to wake me up, but I can't remember when she was able to jump on the beds.

The thing I remember distinctively is that I used to love to go home after school just to see her. I used to spend time at school thinking, "In a few hours, I'll be home and playing with Sasha!" and that would make me happy.

Anyway, I'm grateful for both my dogs who've always been there for me, even when they weren't aware of it.

Friday 20 April 2012

Bad Memory

I have a terrible memory. I can't remember anything. So, this a problem for me and my blogging because I can't remember if I've blogged about something previously or not. And I don't have the time to skim through all my blogs to see if I have or haven't.

Let me give you an example of how annoying my terrible memory can be. Sometimes I have a great idea for a blogpost, but as I'm getting ready to type it down, I think to myself, "Have I written about this before? I must have, because I think of this all the time!" But I can't actually remember if I had or hadn't written about that topic. So, what do I end up doing? I end up writing a post about having a bad memory because I'd decided not to write about that topic since I might have written about it before.

Come to think of it, I probably wrote about having a bad memory before too. See how annoying this is?

Anyway, I'll try to think of completely original things to write about, okay? But until then you'll be stuck with these kinds of topics. Sorry.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Response to 'The Danger of a Single Story'

Chimamanda Adichie talked about how most people only have one story when it concerns something that is foreign to them. I agree that most people only know one thing about anything that is foreign to them, and that they tend to think that that is the only story. Her talk mostly concerned different countries and races and how people perceive countries that they don’t know much about, and I happen to understand exactly what she means by people only having one story.

When I lived in Canada, people would always ask me if my relatives that lived in Egypt rode camels to school, or lived in mud houses. Even as a kid, I always understood why they used to ask me those questions. It was because the only image they had of Egypt was of the Pyramids in the middle of a desert and camels that wandered around the Pyramids. Telling them that my grandparents had internet connection and a TV that aired the same shows that we watched in Canada always took them by surprise. And although I always had a good laugh when someone would ask me questions like what the name of my grandma’s camel was, it used to also annoy me that they didn’t know that Egypt wasn’t only one huge desert.

People here in Egypt also only have one picture of Canada: that it’s cold all year round. Most people don’t believe me right away when I tell them that in the summer Canada can get really hot and humid and can reach temperatures up to 40ÂșC. Another thing is people here who have never gone anywhere outside of Egypt tend to think that the west is paradise. I’m not saying that Europe and North America aren’t nice, but they have their flaws and they certainly aren’t paradises. Of course, people have only heard about how great they are, though, so they don’t actually get a correct picture of the countries.

But basing your idea of something on one story that you’ve heard is human nature. If you always hear about how horrible something is, you’re going to assume it’s horrible without trying to figure out whether it is or not. And maybe that thing is horrible, but it also must be something else. I, personally, don’t think that anything can be described in only one way.

I’m not saying that I don’t think of things in one way, because I do. Chimamanda Adiche talked about how she only thought about the houseboy they had when she was a child, as being poor, and she never thought that he and his family were anything more than poor. I feel that I also only think of people like that. For example, I have this idea that people who are extremely wealthy live in a huge house with many servants, are lazy and spend the majority of the morning sitting at home or playing golf, and at night are at parties where they’re surrounded by people who are their friends only because of their money. Of course, I know that there is more to them than just how much money they have, but I can’t help but think of them like that. It’s the way that rich people are portrayed in movies and books, so it’s the way I think of them.

Media plays a big role in spreading single stories. Movies and TV shows have a tendency to have many stereotypes. For example, TV normally shows Asians as being very hard-working and extremely smart. And yes, they do tend to be hard-working and to do well in most of what they do, but it’s not the only thing about them.

Of course, media does try to be more diverse and to not stereotype, but sometimes it’s inevitable. People have fixed ideas of things and when TV shows them another idea, it just goes over their heads. And it has nothing to do with being open or closed minded but to do with how we think of things.

As Adichie pointed out, books also tend to give you one story, and that’s because most authors that are famous are European or American. I had never even heard of Chimamanda Adichie, and I’ve never read a book by a Nigerian Author. In fact, all I know about Nigeria is from my mother and her family – they lived there for a few years. I’m sure, though, that if there were more books about Nigerian families then I would have a better idea of how Nigerian people live.

Stories are great, but hardly ever accurate. And how can they be? When someone tells you a story, they are subconsciously adding what they want to the story and leaving out parts that they find unimportant. The only way you can really get a real story is by experiencing it and seeing with your own eyes the many stories.

The thing is that everything has more than one story, but most people only know one story and they don’t even think to learn the other stories. Thankfully, due to new forms of social media like the internet, I think future generations will have more stories and will be able to draw more accurate pictures of the world that we live in.


I wrote this for school a while ago after watching Adichie's Ted Talk, and so I decided to show it to you guys. Enjoy.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Small Update!

Another day, another blogpost. In case you hadn't realised, I've completely run out of blog ideas. Whenever I open this, my mind becomes blank. Nothing interesting enough happens to me. Well, that's a lie. Let me rephrase that: nothing interesting enough which I would want to write here happens to me.

I'm still trying to learn how to draw, but I don't have enough time. And this previous week, I only drew a few things. I'm also trying to learn basic German. That's not going so well.

I'm trying to give you a quick update on my life. This update's not going so well.

I just finished reading Devilish by Maureen Johnson, and I really liked it! Her books are always so interesting!

So, hope you liked the update!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Mum's Birthday

Today is my mum's birthday, so after school we went to my grandma's house and had the family over. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to really have fun because it's the first day back to school after a week and a bit of holiday, so naturally, I got a headache. I still have it now, and it's worse, but it'll go when I sleep.

Sasha broke her toe nail, and now she's bleeding a lot. Poor Sous! I'm kind of tired, but I also wanted to write this and watch something before I sleep. So, that's what I'm doing now.

But, I'll end this now so that my headache doesn't get worse! :P

Sunday 15 April 2012


Happy Easter everyone who celebrates it today! Even though it's not my favourite holiday, I do enjoy Easter because I get quite a bit of chocolate. My family doesn't do much for Easter since we moved to Egypt, because we just celebrate Sham El-Nassem instead. So we have a big family breakfast in the garden and eat eggs and things like that. It's almost like Easter but it's just the day after.

In Canada, we used to celebrate Easter on Easter, though. I remember going to stay with my dad's cousins in Toronto for the Easter holidays and having Easter egg hunts in their garden with the rest of our cousins. I don't know if we went to spend Easter with them only once or more than once, but I remember that the it was a lot of fun. And, they got us all (the kids) a HUGE chocolate egg. I couldn't even believe how big they were, when I first saw them.

I think Easter is a very quite cute holiday with all the little quirks like the egg hunts, the colourful clothing, the coloured eggs, and the idea of a bunny rabbit bringing chocolate eggs to children. It's just kind of a fun little holiday.

Anyway, today, we're going to colour the Easter eggs! I hope you all have a great day.

Friday 13 April 2012


This spring break has been pretty good. And it hasn't even ended yet. I had a right to be excited about it.

Anyway, I love Spring, it always is so cheerful. Well, the season itself isn't cheerful, but it's a cheerful time. You get what I mean. I always just like to explain myself when I'm writing a blog that isn't supposed to be vague.

I'm tired though, so maybe I'll talk more about Spring tomorrow!

Thursday 12 April 2012

TFF: Chocolate

I love chocolate. And it's that time of year again, the time when we get lots and lots of chocolate! Yes, it's Easter season!

I've already gotten some chocolate eggs, but I don't want to start eating them now. Maybe I'll start on Saturday.

But that's not what this post is about. This post is about chocolate!

I love all kinds of chocolate: white, milk, black, with nuts, plain, with caramel, and so on. The only type of chocolate I don't like is chocolate with coconut, so I guess I lied when I said I loved all kinds of chocolate.My bad! My favourite kind would be plain milk chocolate, but when I was younger, I think I preferred white chocolate.

I love chocolate so much that my friend told me to blog about either love or chocolate, and I chose chocolate. I love chocolate more than love. Want to know why? Because chocolate doesn't let you down! It only makes you fat, but I can live with that.

So, if you ever want to get me something, which you shouldn't, get me chocolate. Deal?

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Nothing Weird...

I know I've been really horrible at this. I just keep forgetting to blog, and then I end up feeling really bad! But I'm going to really try my best to write more!

So, today I went shopping and I kept trying to look for something weird to blog about, but I didn't find anything. There were some cute kids throwing balloons around, people sitting in cafe's looking bored, and people going from store to store coming out empty handed. But those are normal things. Nothing exciting happened.

And then I had coffee, so I was happy. And a huge chocolate chip cookie.

I've had this page open for at least half an hour, and I don't know what to write to make it more interesting. I don't know why I try to make it interesting anyway because I know no one reads it. :P

So, maybe I'll write something better tomorrow! 

Sunday 8 April 2012


This'll be short and not so sweet, cause I'm tired. Plus, yesterday's post was long and sweet.

I really should start blogging in the morning. The thing is that the net in the morning is so fast, so I end up just watching videos and stuff and I don't have any time to blog.

Right, so I'll go now! 

Saturday 7 April 2012

The Girl and Her Shield

At a very young age she realised that people were hurtful. She learnt that no matter what, if she was openly herself, she'd get hurt. So, she decided to make a shield. But this shield wasn't very good at being a shield for a few reasons. The first was that it was weak: any strong knife or sword could easily rip through it. The second reason was it that it was covered with pointy spokes.

Now these spokes were invisible but painful, but, seeing how she never pointed to shield at herself, she didn't even know that they existed. So, as she went through life brandishing her special shield in everyone's faces, she didn't realise just how many people she hurt.

The thing about people is once they're hurt, they don't like to get hurt again. The only way for the people who knew her to do this was to avoid the sword and its awful spokes. Since she always carried her shield with her, the only way for people to do this was to avoid her completely. Even the kindest of people who knew that she didn't mean to hurt them soon started to avoid her. And the meanest of people would hurt her back and penetrate the shield having no concern for the person behind it.

One day, she sat in her room, all alone with no one to call. As hurtful as people where to her, she thrived on their attention. She felt the happiest when surrounded by all her friends and family. But as she sat in her room, she realised that she had no one she could talk to. All of her friends had left her for what appeared to her to be an unknown reason. Even her family had locked themselves in their rooms to avoid this shield.

Feeling confused and deeply upset, she started to sob. As the tears fell down her face, she let go of her precious shield. She stayed confused for some time and more and more she put down her shield. As those who loved her saw the shield being put aside, they started to stop avoiding her.

Unfortunately, being less sad, she would pick up her shield again. People would tell her about the spokes, hoping she would stop hurting them, but it was to no avail. She still carried it around everywhere, but she started to become wiser as to whom she pointed it at.

It wasn't until many years later that she started to notice how people reacted to her shield. When that happened, she realised that all these years of her suffering were due to what was supposed to help end her suffering. Tearing up a little, she decided to hide the shield away and to go face life with nothing to protect her, just as she had as a little girl.


Hope you liked my little story, and, for the record, no, this isn't about me.

Friday 6 April 2012

Hot Weather

The weather has decided to become hot. Like, unbearably hot. Make it stop!

The good thing about this is that we can start to swim again, but still. Why was the weather decided to change do suddenly? This winter was nice and long. Now, I have to start to wear my summer clothes and make sure I'm always in the AC. Not that I mind either of those things.

Spring isn't supposed to be this hot, though. I DEMAND that it gets cooler. Not much cooler, mind you, but cooler nonetheless. So, I'm waiting....

Anyway, I hope that the weather is nice wherever you are! Have a nice day! :D

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Layout and More Exams

Tomorrow is our last day of exams and then we have a week and a few days of holiday! I really can't wait! I just have so much I want to do during the holiday, and I know that I'll won't do half of those things, but it's still nice to know I could accomplish them if I really put my mind to it.

I don't feel like I'm doing well in the exams at all! I know that I always feel that way, but I really didn't do well this time. I just know it.

Our chemistry exam is tomorrow, and I don't think anything we took this quarter was complicated, but I'm sure I won't do well. I just can't study. Nothing wants to stay in my mind...It's really annoying.

On a better note, I like the new layout for blogspot! It seems a whole lot cooler now.

I gotta go and sleep now! Bye 

Tuesday 3 April 2012


Currently, I'm sitting on my bed with Sasha sleeping next to my knee, Nadeen sitting behind me, and two of my friends sitting on the edge of my bed. So, now you have an accurate idea of my setting.

By the time I finished that sentence, everyone changed their positions, but whatever.

Anyway, I gotta go cause we're studying math - something I don't remember doing for years. But, it's been fun! Bye!

Monday 2 April 2012

Exams again!

We have our quarter exams this week, and then we have a week of holiday. I'm really excited for this holiday because it'll be the first break where I don't have any homework or projects due. But, now I need to study for my exams, and it's a pain because I'm not all that good at studying.

Anyway, I have history and French tomorrow, and I haven't really studied the French that well. Last quarter exam, I thought I did horrible in the French exam, but it turned out I didn't do so badly. I'm hoping I do that well this time, but I'm worried. The problem with French is I don't really know what to study. I feel like, either you understand it or you don't, and either way you're going to make mistakes.

And as for history, I have a problem with memorizing dates and names. So, otherwise, I'm all set! ;)

Tomorrow my friends will be coming over so that I can explain the math to them. I normally don't study math, so it'll be weird studying for it. But I really want to help them out.

Last year, I really hated school, but I have to say that it's better this year. I don't know why, but it is. Anyway, I have to go and take one more look at the French!