Tuesday 30 October 2012


I recently read an article (and I can't find it again so I can't give you the link, sorry) about how people have the need to be stressful. The article stated that having a lot work to do and being stressed is viewed by society as honourable, and so we intentionally stress ourselves by doing too much or trying to handle many things.

I completely agree with the article because I have seen people always compete to be the person who has the most to handle or who is the most stressed. In fact, I think I, myself, find any reason to stress out and give myself goals I know I won't be able to achieve which stresses me. I think people really do feel proud when they have so much to carry that they stress themselves out; it makes us feel like we're somehow better than everyone else.

I guess it's also because if you aren't stressed out with work or responsibilities, people see you as lazy and they somewhat belittle you with how carefree your life is. This motivates us to work extra and do more than we actually need to and and take on more than we can handle.

But being stressed is not a good thing. It's not good for your mental health or your physical health, so I think society needs to change. It needs to be more accepting of people who don't necessarily work until they drop. It needs to honour people who aren't stressed, not belittle them.

I'm not saying working a lot is bad; I'm saying working to the extent where you become stressed is, especially when you're doing so to seem like a better person. Life is too short for us to work to become esteemed only to become stressed and unable to enjoy it. 

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