Saturday 6 October 2012


I really don't feel like blogging. I think it's partly because what I really feel like writing about, I can't. So I'm forced to write about something that I don't particularly feel like writing about, making the post not interesting. 

But what can I do? I have to write something. 

I could write about how I'm feeling better today and I think my cold is almost gone. That's something cheerful, but it's not interesting. 

What else is there? Nothing. There is absolutely nothing. But nothing is sometimes good. Sure, sometimes it can be bad also, but this post is supposed to be cheerful! I think it would be cheerier if I wasn't frowning right now. I feel like my frown is translating into text. 

But back to nothing: it's good this time! I can safely say that in all cases, 'nothing' would be good right now. 

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