Wednesday 31 October 2012

Happy Halloween!

This is the first Halloween of my life where I did nothing to celebrate it. The last few years, I didn't exactly do much, but at least we had a party at school and we put decorations and stuff. And I would wear black or orange and at least do something to make the day special.

This year I did nothing at all. It was almost like it was a completely normal day. But it's Halloween and I'm upset that I didn't do anything. I guess there's always next year though.

I have a lot to do tomorrow, so I need to sleep now so I can wake up in time. I hope that the rest of you had a good Halloween and did something - even if it was something small - to celebrate it. 

Tuesday 30 October 2012


I recently read an article (and I can't find it again so I can't give you the link, sorry) about how people have the need to be stressful. The article stated that having a lot work to do and being stressed is viewed by society as honourable, and so we intentionally stress ourselves by doing too much or trying to handle many things.

I completely agree with the article because I have seen people always compete to be the person who has the most to handle or who is the most stressed. In fact, I think I, myself, find any reason to stress out and give myself goals I know I won't be able to achieve which stresses me. I think people really do feel proud when they have so much to carry that they stress themselves out; it makes us feel like we're somehow better than everyone else.

I guess it's also because if you aren't stressed out with work or responsibilities, people see you as lazy and they somewhat belittle you with how carefree your life is. This motivates us to work extra and do more than we actually need to and and take on more than we can handle.

But being stressed is not a good thing. It's not good for your mental health or your physical health, so I think society needs to change. It needs to be more accepting of people who don't necessarily work until they drop. It needs to honour people who aren't stressed, not belittle them.

I'm not saying working a lot is bad; I'm saying working to the extent where you become stressed is, especially when you're doing so to seem like a better person. Life is too short for us to work to become esteemed only to become stressed and unable to enjoy it. 

Monday 29 October 2012


It feels really good to be writing this on my laptop. I never realised how much longer it takes for me to type on my iPad. Anyway, that's not important.

I have a headache so I'll probably be writing a few random things - basically anything that comes to my mind.

I started watching Arrested Development, and so far I really like it. I didn't think I would like it as much as I do after watching the first episode. But, yeah, it's good.

Today I didn't do anything productive, so I'm upset about that. Tomorrow, hopefully, I'll get a few things done.

I had a good weekend though. I mean it had it's downs, but for the most part it was good. Weekends are normally good, though, so it's not that much of a surprise.

Okay, I'm going to end this here because I don't have anything interesting at all to write.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Fearing Failure

I always feel like I won't be able to handle the next step in my life even though I know that I will. I always feel like something is bound to come in my way and stump me and that it'll happen at a crucial point in my life. But then I think about what's next for me and I realize that I should be able to tackle what's coming.

So why do I feel like I won't be able to?

Maybe it's just the kind of person I am. I know that I always worry about things and I always feel I am bound to fail. Whether I fail or not most of the time has no impact on that fact. I still always feel I'm going to fail even if my track record is perfect.

I guess it is just my personality. I wish I could change it. Does anyone know where they sell personalities which don't fear failure? I would really like one. 

Saturday 27 October 2012

Eyes Closed

You know when you look at something for so long that when you close your eyes, you see it? And sometimes it's small things like cards because you've played a lot of solitaire or pages of a book because you've read a lot. But sometimes it's something you want to keep on seeing, so you close your eyes more often.

That's happening to me now. Even when I sneeze and my eyes are shut for that fraction of a second, I can see the image. And it's a really nice image. So I'm going to go now to close my eyes. 

Friday 26 October 2012


Today we went to the beach for a bit in the morning. I didn't swim though because a) I didn't bring a bathing suit and b) I don't like to swim in the sea. 

I love beaches; I just don't like swimming at beaches. That's because I have a little phobia of the fish in the sea. I like to be able to see what's swimming around me which I can't do because seas are never clear. What I like even more is for there to be nothing swimming around me underwater. 

I guess I'm just a pool person. 

Thursday 25 October 2012


Today was an eventful day. It wasn't exactly what I thought it would be like, but that's okay. Anyway, I'm really tired now. I know it's still early, but all I can think of is sleep. Sleep sounds so good right now. 

You know when sleep won't sound good? When I'm doing my English project that is finding the word sleep and explaining it's meaning. I'm really looking forward to that. 

Anyway, I'm going to sleep now. 

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Things to do

Yesterday, I came home late which is why I didn't write a proper blog. But I think that the quotes I used this week as substitutes for written blog posts were good. It's always nice to read a good quote, in my opinion. And John Green says and writes the best things.

Anyway, enough about quotes though. Next week I don't have school and I have a whole list of things I plan to do. I really hope I get to do them all. I feel like I'm really falling behind on what I need to do. I just procrastinate or feel tired after school, and end up doing nothing. Basically, things aren't looking too good.

I'm a bit worried about tomorrow because I think it'll be an important day. Hopefully, it'll also be a fun day. I hope it's a fun day for you to!

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Another Quote

Another great quote.

(I know I should add sources and give credit to where I got these posters. Sorry.)

Monday 22 October 2012


I hate jealousy. I'm always jealous of other people and I can't help but be so. When I see someone that has something that I really want, I feel so envious that I feel like I might betray it on my face. (I really don't like it when people can read my face.)

And what's worse is when those people take that thing I want for granted. And it's not their fault. It's just sometimes the things I want are so simple that no one realize that they have it or that other people don't.

I know I'm being very vague, but I just felt like expressing how much I wish I never got jealous. I know people who don't get jealous but instead feel happy for others. I wish I was that kind of person. 

Sunday 21 October 2012


- John Green (TFiOS)

This is possibly my favourite quote of all time. Just look at how wonderful it is. 

Saturday 20 October 2012


I'm glad this week is a short one. I really want to start focusing on things that aren't related to school. I feel like I spent most of my free time finishing my homework this weekend, and now I want a break. Also, I have a test tomorrow which I didn't study for and I'm sure I won't do well. But I don't have the time to study now. Oh well.

Basically, I want a break to do nothing. But the odd thing is that whenever I have nothing to do, I always need to find something. I want to do nothing and yet I can't allow myself to do just that. I always have to be doing something. So I guess it's my fault I don't have the break I want.

I sound like I do a lot of work. I don't. I'm just exaggerating. But, hey, it's my blog and I can do whatever I want, right?

Friday 19 October 2012


So today didn't go entirely as planned, but it was still okay. I ended up doing productive things which is a plus. October is going by quickly and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

On one hand, I want the year to end so it going by quickly is good. I really can't wait for next year even though I know it won't start out well. But on the other hand, NaNoWriMo is approaching and I still have no ideas. I'm going to try and think of some now, but I'm not too optimistic.

That's what I'll go and do now. Wish me luck, even though by the time you read this I'll probably be already finished brainstorming!

Thursday 18 October 2012


This weekend will be a busy one. Actually, most of my weekends are busy and the only time I'm free to do anything is at night, but normally I'm too tired by then so I just sleep. Anyway, this weekend is going to be busier than normal. I also think it'll be fun. So I'm looking forward to that.

Lately, I like to be up and about. I always used to like to stay at home, but now I want to always do things out of the house and even when I stay at home, I try to watch as little as possible and to do more productive things. I won't have a chance to do many productive things weekend though.

Anyway, I hope my weekend turns out well and that yours does also. 

Wednesday 17 October 2012


Thursdays are my favourite days and I have decided that Wednesdays have become my least favourite days. Of course, this all depends on my school schedule, but I think Wednesday is a good day to not like in general - don't ask me why though.

I'm getting sick of tests. We have a test almost everyday, which I guess is normal, but it's just annoying me. Maybe it's because I'm just sick in general - literally sick I mean. I really want to get rid of my cough. It's driving me crazy. Also, people aren't supposed to stay feeling sick for two weeks, are they? Unless you have a bad cold, and my cold is a normal one. It should have been gone by now.

Anyway, I think I've complained enough for today. 

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Boring Stuff

This week is going by slowly. I want it to end. And I still haven't done any brainstorming. It's starting to drive me crazy because I need to brainstorm but I always find something else to do.

Anyway, I think that this year isn't as busy as last year was in terms of projects and things like that. Maybe because it's just the beginning, but it feels like it's a lighter year, even though we're taking harder things. Maybe that will change though.

I want to read now, so I'll end this here. Hope you had a good day. 

Monday 15 October 2012

One Future

Sometimes we expect things to happen and when things turn out differently, we get upset. But just because things don't happen the way we expect them to doesn't necessarily mean that things will turn out bad. It's a good thing to know what you want and to work for it. In fact, it's very important to set goals and to try to achieve them. But I think people should just be more open when it comes to the future. We shouldn't restrict ourselves to one set future, but should prepare ourselves for the possibility of a number of different futures. 

Sunday 14 October 2012

Tv, Skydiving and Music

I watched the season premiere of Fringe. It was so good. I can't even describe how good it was. I can't wait to watch more.

Also, I watched the Austrian guy jump from, well I'm not exactly sure how high up he was, but it was high. I have no idea how he did it. It was kind of scary when he started flipping uncontrollably - or at least it seemed to me to be that way, maybe he was in complete control. Anyway, he stopped flipping and he landed safely. It was pretty cool.

Now I'm listening to Panic! At the Disco so I'm finding it really hard to blog. I love Vices and Virtues. There isn't a single song in that album that I don't like. I know I've mentioned this before.

Anyway, I'm going to end this here. Bye. 

Saturday 13 October 2012


I really cannot wait until June. I just want school to be over with so that I can focus on other things. I want to be finished with SATs and quarter exams and all that. I want things to end quickly.

I feel like this school year, I haven't started out well. And I don't know what to do about it. I don't even know why I feel this way, but I do. The weird thing though is that I like this school year so far. I just don't think it's going well. I feel like things will only go downhill from here.

Also, by June everyone will be on holiday, not just me. The only thing I'd have to worry about in June is university and I guess I'll be able to handle that.  But like I mentioned before, I just have to wait till then  

Thursday 11 October 2012


My bed has been pushed. It's not in the place that it usually is in and it's annoying me. As I'm sitting on my bed now, I feel like I am too far from my window and too close to my cupboard. I would push it back to it's usually position but I'm too sleepy to get up again.

It's still weird though. I feel like things are uneven. Is that normal? Do all people feel like that when something as big as a bed is not in its place or is it just me? It probably is just me.

I started looking at universities because I have to apply by March. I don't really have many options because what I want to study is not popular here, but I'm still looking around. I'm kind of nervous about university even though I still have a year ahead of me before I start. Is that normal? What is normal anyway?

Maybe I'm just nervous in general and I explain that it's due to university because that's the only explainable reason - or at least the only explanation I'm willing to give.

But I know that being nervous about things is normal is normal. I don't even have to ask about that one. 

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Very Short Post

I really need to start brainstorming; it's already the tenth and I have nothing. I can't believe tomorrow's Thursday though. The days really do go by quickly. I'm still waiting though.  

I have to go to sleep now so I will end this here. Hope you all had a good day. 

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Can't think of a title.

I really want to play slender, but I want to play it at night with the lights off. I know it's supposed to be scary, but I've seen people play it and it doesn't seem that bad. I just feel that if I don't play it in the dark, then I won't be playing it properly.

Anyway, what else should I write about. I've noticed that lately I can't stay on one topic. I have to always write about more than one thing. You know what else I just noticed? I noticed that at the beginning of the year, I said I would blog more interesting posts in summer because I would have time and stuff like that and I didn't. I think my posts were equally uninteresting in the summer as they were at the beginning of the year.

I hope you all had a great day, and I will write again tomorrow (obviously). 

Monday 8 October 2012


I have always been told that I am a patient person. Whether that is true or not, I don't know, but I have been told that. And I'll admit that I am pretty good at waiting, but sometimes I get sick of waiting. Sometimes I want everything to happen right away.

But I still have to wait; I still have to be patient. Life is all about waiting. I mean, sure sometimes you have to go and get things done yourself and don't have to wait,  but the majority of the time, we are forced to wait. And wait. And wait. It can get very tiresome.

As I'm writing this I'm waiting anxiously for a few things. But sometimes instead of wishing that things would happen right away, I wish they would never happen. That's how I feel now, even though at the same time, I don't want to wait. 

Sunday 7 October 2012

TV and the Year

I feel lie rewarding Serendipity. Maybe I'll just rewatch all of Firefly, but then againI want to start watching Breaking Bad, so I might not have time to watch Firefly. Not that I have enough time to watch Breaking Bad. I feel like the days are going by really quickly.

 I think that's a good thing though. I just want this year to be over with. I don't even know if this year has a been a good one or not; I just want it to end. And I want next year to be better. Too bad people rarely get what they want.

Saturday 6 October 2012


I really don't feel like blogging. I think it's partly because what I really feel like writing about, I can't. So I'm forced to write about something that I don't particularly feel like writing about, making the post not interesting. 

But what can I do? I have to write something. 

I could write about how I'm feeling better today and I think my cold is almost gone. That's something cheerful, but it's not interesting. 

What else is there? Nothing. There is absolutely nothing. But nothing is sometimes good. Sure, sometimes it can be bad also, but this post is supposed to be cheerful! I think it would be cheerier if I wasn't frowning right now. I feel like my frown is translating into text. 

But back to nothing: it's good this time! I can safely say that in all cases, 'nothing' would be good right now. 

Friday 5 October 2012

Thursday 4 October 2012

November and Daleks Voice

I have decided that in November I will not blog. It's just going to be too much for me because November is usually a busy month and on top of that I will do NaNoWriMo again this year.

Speaking of that, I need to start planning. This year I have absolutely no ideas. Maybe when I start brainstorming, I'll get some. Either way, I'll still write a story no matter how it turns out.

Off topic, but my voice is starting to sound like the Daleks. Whenever that happens, I just walk around saying 'exterminate' which drives my family mad. It's a lot of fun.

Anyway, I will sleep now because I have a few things I need to do this weekend, so I have to wake up early and get a good night's sleep. 

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Opinions and Stuff

Why is it that people always want others to like what they like? For example, if I like a certain book and my friend doesn't, I would feel as if my friend was an alien to me. Okay, maybe that's an extreme example, but you get my point. And not only do we want them to like it, but we feel truly offended when someone doesn't like it. We all know that people have different opinions and not everyone will like everything we like, yet we still get offended.

And then this leads us to not sharing what we like in fear that others might ridicule us. Many of us will say that you shouldn't care about the people who ridicule you, but you still do. You still want to avoid having someone ridicule your taste and so you don't share it.

But people should be free to like and dislike whatever they want without feeling ridiculed or feeling like they're insulting anyone. People should feel free to share their opinions no matter what because everyone's opinion matters.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Mind and Body

I've been feeling good lately. I think my stress has finally gone down and things are good. I hope things stay like this because I want to end 2012 well.

I can't believe it's already October. We've been in school for one month. How crazy is that? Time really has gone by quickly.

But enough about that; I feel I always talk about time. Let's talk about something else.

 I watched a Talk today where the speaker said that if you make yourself look bigger, you end up feeling like you have more power and vice versa. I think that's just amazing to think about: how our body affects our mind. People always try to control their bodies with their minds, but now we can try  to control our minds and how we perceive ourselves with our body language.

I don't know, maybe I'm the only one, but I find this stuff interesting. 

Monday 1 October 2012

Good Night

I have to wake up in about five hours and I really need my beauty sleep. So this will be very short. In fact, I feel sorry about how short this will be. But I really need to sleep, even though I'm not tired one bit.

Actually, now that I think about it, I am tired. Andbutso, good night.