Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year

It's been a while since I last wrote. I know I said that I would start to blog again in December after NaNoWriMo, but I just didn't feel like it at all. In October, I mentioned a few times how a lot of the time I wasn't in the mood for blogging, but that I would continue in December anyway. But when December came, I just felt like I really couldn't write anything. I know that sounds lame, but it's the truth. I just knew that if I started to blog again, each post would get increasingly more boring. Not to mention that in general December is not really a good month for me, even though it's Christmas time and I love Christmas. But this year, I didn't even get into the Christmas spirit at all which is very weird for me.

Anyway, it's a new year and though I definitely don't plan to blog everyday, I don't want to forget about this. Maybe I'll do BEDA or something like I used to do. I'm not promising anything though, but I plan to blog. From the previous paragraph it may seem like I really don't like blogging, but, honestly, I do. I just didn't feel like it in December.

But enough about blogging. Last year wasn't the best year and I hope that 2013 will turn out to be better. I have a lot of high hopes for this year, and although I tend to believe that you shouldn't have high hopes at the beginning of a new year, I can't help myself. I think it's because I think anything will be better than last year.

I don't have any resolutions which isn't a good thing because although you normally forget about them by February, I think resolutions are important. They give you something to aim for and something to look forward to. I hope you all have good resolutions.

This post has been pretty long and I still feel like I have a lot to say. But to sum it up, happy new year. I hope it's a great year for everyone. Remember that a new year is like a new beginning and that anything is possible. So aim for the impossible.

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