Sunday 1 May 2011


I said I was going to talk about the wedding, yes? So here goes.

We ended up being late and missed the whole church sermon (yes!). So all we did was stand outside of the church next to the plate of chocolate, because that was our job: to stand next to the chocolate. I have a feeling we were supposed to do more than just stand there, but that's what we did in any case.

Then it was off to the hotel for the reception. We arrived there early.

We had to stand outside of the hall for a while - for some unknown reason. And then, we were allowed in where there were chairs. I mean, there were other things too, like fancy lights and a dance floor but all I saw were CHAIRS. There weren't any seating arrangements though, so it took a while for everyone to figure out where they were going to sit. I haven't made up my mind on whether no seating plan is a good thing or not. I mean on one hand you aren't stuck sitting next to family members you don't particularly like.* But on the other hand, it's not as neat and people have to discuss where they're going to sit.

Anyway, we sat. And then waited for the bride and groom to come. I can't exactly remember how long we waited and I don't know what time it was when they arrived, but when they did they walked down these white stairs and there was a bunch of drumming and music. And yeah.

Then they had the first dance and then there were other dances which I didn't see. A while later I went and - take a breath - danced. And okay, it was a weird kind of dance, but it was still a dance.

Then we ate. I ate mostly pasta cause everything else was meat.

After eating the best man and groom made speeches. I didn't hear either of the speeches because the volume of the microphone wasn't very loud and I didn't care enough to go stand up. But I'll assume they were good.

There was the cutting of the cake and then people started to leave. In general, it was a small wedding, and the majority of the people there were old. But I prefer smaller weddings. All in all, the wedding was nice.

And that was that. I've officially now finished blogging on the days I said I would. So I'm free! No, but seriously, I've really enjoyed blogging and reading your comments.

And thank you Randa for doing this with me, and for keeping me entertained with those texts yesterday during the wedding. **

'We're breaking in to each other's lives, stealing all we can, holding on to this perfect lie, cause nothing else matters,' - Criminal Love

* I have quite a few family members that I wouldn't have liked to be stuck with the whole night...

** I said the wedding was nice. I never said that I didn't get bored. So thanks, Randiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.